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Sök på Svedea.se

Most popular within chosen segments

Svedea AB is a niche company with a clear ambition: to be the most popular company within our market segment. We will reach this target by providing competitive products, the best customer services facility in the market, customer friendly claims handling and an attitude that makes a difference.

Our insurance products

We operate in the Swedish insurance market and our head office is situated in Stockholm. Svedea is approved by the Swedish Financial Authority (Finansinspektionen) to act as a tied agent. The legal carrier for Svedeas products is HDI Global Specialty SE, a company within the Talanx Group.

Svedea offers non-life insurance products for private individuals and companies. For private customers we write insurance for yachts and pleasure craft, motorcycles, snowmobiles, ATVs, private cars and pets. Within the commercial lines segment we write insurance for groups and associations (group schemes and conceptual solutions) and small companies (single risk).

Behind Svedea

We write business on behalf of HDI Global Specialty SE, a company within the Talanx Group – one of Europes largest insurance groups with presence in more than 150 countries and premium income exceeding 33 billion Euro. In addition to providing financial security through it’s A+-rating, HDI Global Specialty SE enables us to have access to international expertise within a multitude of areas.

Our employees

Svedea is no ordinary insurance company and our employees are not ordinary insurance people. We are focused and committed and driven by the challenge to be number one. At Svedea we are passionate about insurance.

Contact information for Private customers

+46 771 160 190

­Opening hours

Customer Service:
Monday to Thursday 7.30–19, Friday 7.30–18

Monday to Friday 8-17

24 hours a day


Box 3489
103 69 Stockholm

Claims Motor Insurance:
Box 95
840 70 Hammarstrand

Contact information for Commercial lines

+46 771 160 161

+46 771 160 199

Opening hours

Customer Service:
Monday to Friday 8-17

Monday to Friday 8-17 (in case of emergency outside opening hours, you can reach a claims manager using the same number)


Box 3489
103 69 Stockholm